There are many ways to show your support for Life Pieces and to help us reach more boys and young men and give them a chance at a bright future. Each and every donation made to Life Pieces To Masterpieces is an act of love and kindness for us to receive. Each hour spent volunteering, brainstorming a partnership, teaching chess to our boys, or buying new chess sets for our program, contributes to a happiness that cannot be quantified. The truth is, at Life Pieces, each door that is opened for an Apprentice will result in that Apprentice holding the door open for others.

Make a Tax-deductible Contribution
Make a donation to Life Pieces To Masterpieces
Mail a check to:
Life Pieces To Masterpieces
PO Box #15127
Washington, DC, 20003
DAF Direct
We’re proud to connect with DAF Direct to receive donations through your trusted donor advised fund. Feel free to give directly through your DAF here:
Donate Stock
To donate stock to Life Pieces to Masterpieces, please contact:
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Stay in the loop about the incredible ways our youth are transforming their lives and communities, as they become catalysts for positive change in the world.
Purchase Art and Apparel by Life Pieces
Life Pieces To Masterpieces’ apprentices have created more than 1,000 masterpieces which are available for purchase and exhibit. These include original works as well as prints of some of our most popular pieces. We also offer a selection of apparel incorporating LPTM’s unique designs.

In our administrative office:

Partner with Us
Life Pieces to Masterpieces values the contributions of its community partners whose members benefit from their experiences and relationship with us. There are many ways to help us serve our apprentices and our community. If you are interested in partnership opportunities, please reach out to: